# Right-sizer

To enable right-sizer, you'll need the following in your Insights Agent values.yaml at minimum:

  enabled: true

As of Insights Agent version 4.0, Right-sizer now refers to multiple capabilities:

  • Automated Workload Right-sizer: A controller that manages VPA objects for automated right-sizing (BETA)
  • OOMKill Detector: A controller that detects, and optionally fixes, containers that have been OOM-killed

# Breaking Changes in Agent 4.0

Version 4.0

The 4.0 release of insights-agent contains breaking changes to right-sizer. This component has been rebranded to refer to Insights automated right sizing. The right-sizer prior to this release will be referred to as oom-detection going forward. These will be further consolidated in a future release to avoid confusion.

# Automated Workload Right-sizing (BETA)

# NOTE: Automated Workload Right-sizer is currently in BETA. Here's what you should know:

  • Automated Workload Right-sizer is designed to help automate setting of resource requests and limits for you. It uses Resource Recommendations from Fairwinds Insights to dynamically adjust container resources.
  • During the BETA period, we recommend that customers deploy Automated Workload Right-sizer in a dev or staging environment to start. This may mean starting with less-critical workloads and namespaces before expanding usage.
  • There may also be scenarios where Automated Right-sizer does not optimize resources correctly. This could result in over-provisioning or under-provisioning, or reliability issues such as OOMKills.
  • Automated Workload Right-sizer should not be used with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) on the same resource metric (CPU or memory).

By default, Automated Workload Right-sizer is for every controller, the right-sizer will create a VPA object with updateMode Off, which will display recommendations, but not apply them. To enable Automated Workload Right-size to automatically apply right-sizing recommendations, you'll need to set

  enabled: true
  enableClosedBeta: true
        updatePolicy: "Auto"

      insights-organization: "my-org"
      insights-cluster: "my-cluster"

This can also be configured individually by namespace, see setup below.

# Setup and Configuration

The Right-sizer configuration can be added to your Helm values.yaml

  enabled: true
    # when the controller is running with `--on-by-default`,
    # this is the configuration that will be applied to namespaces
    # which are not explicitly configured in `includeNamespaces`
        # full VerticalPodAutoscaler spec
        minReplicas: 1
          updateMode: "Off"
              - containerName: "*"
                  cpu: 2
                  memory: "4Gi"
    # namespaces that will be explicitly included for recommendations
    # allows VPAs to be configured individually by namespace
      - namespace: "my-namespace-1"
          # this is a full VerticalPodAutoscaler specification
          minReplicas: 1
            updateMode: "Auto"
              - containerName: "*"
                  cpu: "100m"
                  cpu: 1
                  memory: "2Gi"
      - namespace: "my-namespace-2"
          minReplicas: 1
            updateMode: "Auto"
              - containerName: "*"
                  cpu: "250m"
                  cpu: 2
                  memory: "3Gi"
      - namespace: "my-namespace-3"
    # list of namespaces that are explicitly excluded from recommendations
      - default
      - insights-agent

Example for specific container:

  enabled: true
  enableClosedBeta: true
          updateMode: "Auto"
      - namespace: "my-namespace"
            updateMode: "Auto"
              - containerName: "my-container-name-1"
                mode: "Auto"
              - containerName: "my-container-name-2"
                mode: "Auto"
              - containerName: "*"
                mode: "Off"

# Implementation Details

Right-sizer includes a custom recommender VPA component, we've modified the recommender to retrieve recommendations from Insights. When right-sizer is enabled, we will install the Fairwinds VPA (opens new window) helm chart with this custom image for you.

You can also opt-in (when on-by-default is enabled) or opt-out of automated right-sizing by annotating Namespaces:

insights.fairwinds.com/right-sizer = true | false

# OOM (Out-Of-Memory) Detection

OOM-Detection is a Kubernetes Controller that detects and optionally modifies containers that have run out of memory and been OOM-killed and maintains an Insights report of those containers with their owning pod-controllers (such as Deployments, StatefulSets or DaemonSets). The Controller persists report data in a Kubernetes ConfigMap which the accompanying Insights Agent CronJob retrieves and submits to the Insights API.

The oom-detection controller removes pod-controllers from its report when no OOM-kill has been seen within a time window (default 24 hours) or if the memory limits have been modified compared to the limits from the last-seen OOM-kill.

# Setup and Configuration

OOM-Detection is on by default when right-sizer is enabled:

  enabled: true

right-sizer has been repurposed to include other automated right-sizing capabilities. Starting with version 4.0 of the Insights Agent, configuration is now defined in the oom-detection section under right-sizer

By default the right-sizer will only generate Action Items for Insights and it will not update memory limits when a pod crashes. When enabling this feature, you may want to also specify a list of Kubernetes namespaces to limit potential Action Item noise and impact to workloads.

To configure the right-sizer to increase memory limits when a pod crashes please see the right-sizer.oom-detection Helm values (opens new window) within the Insights Agent Helm chart.

Available configuration includes:

  • The minimum number of OOM-kills a container must have before memory limits are updated by patching its pod-controller
  • The limits increment which is multiplied by the current container limits to calculate the new limits to be updated
  • The maximum limits which is multiplied by the limits of the first-seen OOM-kill to calculate the highest value to which limits can be updated for that container
  • Namespaces which limit both where OOM-kills are considered and where memory limits will be updated

# Implementation Details

These are currently separate binaries and container images:

https://quay.io/repository/fairwinds/insights-right-sizer: refers to the VPA controller

https://quay.io/repository/fairwinds/right-sizer: refers to OOM-kill detection and resolution

The intention is to consolidate both of these in a future release once more testing has been done.