# File Storage

When clusters report back to Fairwinds Insights, Insights stores that data as a JSON file. In order to use Insights, you'll need a place to store those files. Currently we support two options

In the default installation we use an ephemeral instance of Minio but you'll want something more resilient when running in production to ensure you don't lose any data.

# Amazon S3

To use Amazon S3, set your bucket name and region in values.yaml:

  strategy: s3
  bucket: your-bucket-name
  awsRegion: us-east-1

You'll also need to specify your AWS access key and secret in secrets.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
    aws_access_key_id: aGVsbG93b3JsZA==
    aws_secret_access_key: aGVsbG93b3JsZA==
kind: Secret
    name: fwinsights-secrets
type: Opaque

Note that if you're using other AWS integrations (like SES below) they will use the same AWS credentials.

# Minio

You can use your own instance of Minio or install a copy of Minio alongside Insights.

To have the Insights chart install Minio, you can configure it with the minio option:

  strategy: minio
  install: true
  accessKey: fwinsights
  secretKey: fwinsights
    enabled: true

In particular you should set minio.persistence.enabled=true to use a PersistentVolume for your data. You can see the full chart configuration here (opens new window)

To use an existing installation of Minio, just set reportStorage.minioHost

  strategy: minio
  minioHost: minio.example.com