# App Groups

App Groups are user-defined collections of Kubernetes resources. You can match on any Kubernetes metadata, such as namespace, kind, workload name, etc. For example, a user may want to create an App Group for system resources, individual teams or a business unit. App Groups are also multi-cluster and multi-repository, meaning you can select resources across one or many clusters or repositories attached to your Insights organization.

# AppGroup Examples

# Selects all resources

type: AppGroup
name: match-all
spec: {}

# Matching a very strict workload by every available option

type: AppGroup
name: match-strict
      clusters: ["store-*"] # starts with "store-"
      containers: [api]
      kinds: [Deployment, StatefulSet, Pod] # select "Deployment", "StatefulSet" and "Pod"
      names: [api]
      namespaces: [prod]
        - app: api
        - business_unit: store

# Same as above but we want to target all kinds except StatefulSet

type: AppGroup
name: match-strict-except-stateful-set
      clusters: ["store-*"]
      containers: [api]
      names: [api]
      namespaces: [prod]
        - app: api
        - business_unit: store
      kind: [StatefulSet] 

# Managing App Groups

You can manage App Groups "as code" via the Insights CLI, or through the Insights UI.

  • For managing App Groups via CLI, refer to Insights CLI - App Groups.
  • For managing App Groups via the Insights UI, you must have an Owner role. Select the "App Groups" navigation link to add, edit, or delete your App Group configurations.